Collection: 英特尔至强电脑(超低价)

以下是为你精心撰写的泰国铭速电脑科技有限公司网站介绍文案,突出了产品优势和服务特色,吸引目标客户群体: 在泰国曼谷,想要拥有高性能又价格实惠的组装电脑,就选泰国铭速电脑科技有限公司!我们专注于打造优质的英特尔至强 CPU 电脑系统,为你带来极致的使用体验。 我们的 X99 双路电脑,采用英特尔至强系列强大处理器,无论是多任务处理、大型游戏运行,还是专业的图形设计、视频剪辑等工作场景,都能轻松应对,游刃有余。稳定高效的性能,让你的每一项操作都流畅无阻,大大提升工作效率和娱乐体验。 与泰国电脑城相比,我们的电脑性价比超高,以更亲民的价格,提供同样高品质的产品。不仅如此,我们还为你提供全方位的贴心服务。在曼谷地区,我们承诺免费送货上门,并为你包安装,让你无需为安装调试的繁琐步骤而烦恼。 考虑到华人及中国人在泰国的需求,我们配备专业的华人团队,提供中文服务,安装中文系统,沟通零障碍。你在使用电脑过程中遇到任何问题,都可以随时联系我们,我们会及时为你解决。 速度也是我们的一大优势。我们提供高效快递服务,当天即可送达,让你无需漫长等待,第一时间就能用上心仪的电脑。 泰国铭速电脑科技有限公司,致力于为客户提供最优质的产品和服务。如果你想了解更多关于我们电脑的详细信息,欢迎访问我们的官方网站,在这里,你可以查看产品详情、客户评价以及更多优惠活动。选择泰国铭速电脑科技,开启高效便捷的电脑生活!

6 products

  • Mingsu

    25 inch Xeon 8-core 16-thread 16GB memory SSD 628GB GT610 office e-commerce desktop computer assembly computer

    Regular price 8,500.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 8,500.00 ฿ THB Regular price

    CPU: Intel Xeon i7 Class 2660 8 cores 16 threads Full set multi-tasking office game computer host + monitor Radiator: Double copper tube LED radiator Memory:...

    Arrange: 25-inch 2660 display, 8-core 16-thread, 16G memory, 628G solid-state drive, GT610 graphics card
  • Mingsu

    25 inch Xeon 6-core 12-thread 16GB memory SSD 628GB GT610 office e-commerce desktop computer assembly computer

    Regular price 7,999.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 7,999.00 ฿ THB Regular price

    CPU: Intel Xeon i7 2620 six-core 16-thread Radiator: Double copper tube LED radiator Memory: Samsung DDR3 1600 16GB Hard drive: SSD128G+HDD 500GB Motherboard: All-solid-state Intel X79...

    Arrange: 25-inch 2620 six-core 12-thread 16G memory 628G solid-state drive GT610 graphics card
  • 19% off Save 3,199.00 ฿ THB

    27 inches full set i9 E5-2650 v4 ten cores and twelve threads DDR4 16GB m.2 128GB+HDD500GB GTX1660S 6GB independent graphics card game computer desktop office

    Regular price 12,800.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 12,800.00 ฿ THB Regular price 15,999.00 ฿ THB

    CPU: Intel® Xeon® i9 Processor E5-2650 v4 12 cores and 24 threads (support 24-hour non-shutdown operation and can work for a long time) Radiator: Four copper...

    Arrange: 12-core DDR4 16G M.2 128GB+HDD500G GT610 1G 27-inch monitor
  • 30% off Save 4,999.00 ฿ THB

    Brand new 10 core 20 thread I9 level 2660V2 DDR3 16GB SSD 628G Solid State Computer GTX750TI 2G independent graphics card

    Regular price 11,500.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 11,500.00 ฿ THB Regular price 16,499.00 ฿ THB

    CPU: Intel Xeon i9 Class 2660V2 10 cores 20 threads Full set multi-tasking office game computer host + monitor Radiator: Double copper tube LED radiator Memory:...

    Arrange: 10 core 20 thread I9 level 2660V2 DDR3 16GB 628GB GTX750TI 2G independent graphics card
  • 31% off Save 5,099.00 ฿ THB

    12-core 20-thread Intel® Xeon® E5-2640 v4 DDR4 16G M.2 NVME 128GB+HDD500GB GTX1660S 6G independent graphics card high-end computer free WIFI set

    Regular price 10,900.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 10,900.00 ฿ THB Regular price 15,999.00 ฿ THB

    CPU: Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2650 v4 CPU Performance 12 cores and 24 threads (support 24 hours without shutdown and long working hours) Radiator: Six copper tube...

    Arrange: 12核24线程 16G M.2 128GB+HDD500G R5-220 2GB独显
    Fan type: 7 LED fans
  • 26% off Save 4,199.00 ฿ THB

    25-inch Glorious 10-core 20-thread Intel® Xeon® E5-2640 v4 DDR4 16G M.2 NVME 128GB+HDD500GB GTX950 Independent graphics card High-end computer Computer speaker set Free WIFI full set

    Regular price 11,800.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 11,800.00 ฿ THB Regular price 15,999.00 ฿ THB

    CPU: Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2650 v4 CPU Performance 12 cores and 24 threads (support 24 hours without shutdown and long working hours) Radiator: 4-tube copper LED...

    Arrange: 10-core DDR4 16G M.2 128GB+HDD500G GT610 1G 25-inch monitor