Collection: 泰国7-8-9-10代电脑(性价比)

在泰国曼谷,想要一台性能卓越又价格实惠的组装电脑?泰国铭速电脑科技有限公司是您的不二之选!我们专注于英特尔第 7 代至 10 代 重处理器,产品丰富,满足不同需求。

7 products

  • 30% off Save 4,274.00 ฿ THB

    New 25-inch IPS i3-7100 DDR4 3200 16GB H310M SSD128G+HDD500G Desktop Computer

    Regular price 9,725.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 9,725.00 ฿ THB Regular price 13,999.00 ฿ THB

    New 25-inch IPS

    Configuration: 25英寸IPS i3-7100 DDR4 3200 16G内存 M.2 128G+HDD500G核显
  • 42% off Save 10,451.00 ฿ THB

    24-inch 144HZ panoramic room Intel® Core™ i3-10100F processor quad-core eight-thread DDR4 16GB SSD 1TB GTX1030 independent graphics card 10th generation gaming computer

    Regular price 13,999.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 13,999.00 ฿ THB Regular price 24,450.00 ฿ THB

    24-inch 144HZ panoramic room Intel® Core™ i3-10100F processor quad-core eight-thread DDR4 16GB SSD 1TB GTX1030 discrete graphics card 10th generation gaming computerCPU: Intel® Core™ i3-10100F processorQuad-core...

    Combo: I3-10100F ddr4 16g m.2 128g+hdd500g r5-220 2g 6 led case fans
    机箱风扇: 6 个 LED 机箱风扇
  • Mingsu

    24英寸全套 I3-7100 DDR4 16G M.2 512G Graphics 630集成显卡 白色办公电脑

    Regular price 9,699.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 9,699.00 ฿ THB Regular price

    CPU:英特尔I3-7100 主频3.90 GHz内存:金百达DDR4 3200 16G固态: 昂达/金百达 M.2 256GB 512G 1TB高端固态硬盘主板: 铭速H310m散热器:RGB 4铜管散热器/黑色/白色/可以选择显卡:Intel® HD Graphics 630集成显卡机箱: M240全景房电脑机箱电源:台式机电源430电源风扇: 默认LED风扇3个 升级ARGB 灯光同步散热风扇3个+遥控器+ARGB散热器+500泰铢系统:WIN10中文/win10泰文/WIN11中文/win11泰文/可以选择赠送:300*300鼠标垫CENTAUR 24英寸100Hz液晶显示器 电竞游戏显示器白色

    配置选择: i3-7100 16G 256G H310 集成显卡 24英寸100HZ白+LEDX3
  • 5% off Save 849.00 ฿ THB

    I3-10100, DDR4 16G memory, M.2 1TB, 27-inch screen, complete computer set with keyboard and mouse

    Regular price 14,150.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 14,150.00 ฿ THB Regular price 14,999.00 ฿ THB

    CPU: Intel® Core™ i3-10100 Processor 6M Cache, up to 4.30 GHz Four cores and eight threads, main frequency 3.6GHZ, maximum turbo frequency 4.6GHZ Radiator: Double copper...

    Arrange: 27英寸+i3 10100 DDR4 16G内存 M.2 128GB+HDD500GB固态/核显
    Connection type: Wi-Fi
  • 6% off Save 1,000.00 ฿ THB

    I3-10100, DDR4 16G memory, M.2 1TB, 27-inch screen, complete computer set with keyboard and mouse

    Regular price 13,700.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 13,700.00 ฿ THB Regular price 14,700.00 ฿ THB

    CPU: Intel 7th generation i7-7700 processor 4 cores 8 threadsMain frequency: Maximum turbo frequency 4.20 GHzBase frequency 3.60 GHzRadiator: Dual copper tube LED radiatorMemory: DDR4 2660...

    Arrange: 27” i7 7700 RAM DDR4 16GB M.2 NVME 128G
  • 23% off Save 3,465.00 ฿ THB

    25 inch Intel Brand New Full Set Computer Intel 7th Generation i5 7500 CPU DDR4 16GB M.2 NVME 1TB Solid State Drive Office Computer Comes with Free Keyboard and Mouse

    Regular price 11,500.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 11,500.00 ฿ THB Regular price 14,965.00 ฿ THB

    Intel Intel 7th Generation i5 7500 CPU DDR4 16GB M.2 NVME 1TB Solid State Drive Office Computer The best choice for customer service, company office computer...

    Configuration: New 25-inch i5 7500 RAM DDR4 16GB nvme 128GB
  • 13% off Save 2,000.00 ฿ THB

    27-inch i7-7700 16GB memory SSD M.2 NVME 512GB H310M integrated graphics high-end office desktop computer assembly computer

    Regular price 12,700.00 ฿ THB
    Sale price 12,700.00 ฿ THB Regular price 14,700.00 ฿ THB

    CPU: Intel 7th generation i7-7700 processor 4 cores 8 threadsMain frequency: Maximum turbo frequency 4.20 GHzBase frequency 3.60 GHzRadiator: Dual copper tube LED radiatorMemory: DDR4 2660...

    Arrange: 25” i7 7700 RAM DDR4 16GB M.2 NVME 128G